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Posted by Brittany Gervais on May 8th 2018

Rise and Shine!

Many people struggle with waking up early or waking up before the sun rises. Getting into a routine where you are able to wake up and increase productivity before the day starts will leave you feeling accomplished and relaxed! The reason I want to talk about this is because in a fast paced busy society it can be difficult to find time for yourself. When I first started waking up early it was hard to adjust especially with shift work as a registered nurse. Once I became accustomed to the early mornings it became addicting. Studies have shown people who wake up early are more successful, early risers are generally happier than night owls, early risers are known to have healthier diets, and you can enjoy quiet time before starting the work day.

Some tips and tricks to adjusting your sleeping routine

  1. It is okay to be tired! Even if you didn’t sleep well the night before wake up and start your day! You will be ready for bed early the following night!
  2. Tire your body and your mind. As well as working out I find if I read a couple chapters from a book I have a much easier time falling asleep.
  3. No caffeine in the evening – switch to herbal teas later into the evening
  4. Reduce water intake into the night

I love to start my mornings with fasted cardio. I love to take RIVALUS MPOWER prior to fasted cardio. This is a thermogenic fat burner that makes me sweat and feel ready for my day. I also like to have STEAM BCAA and glutamine ready for during/after my run. I find when I have BCAAs during my fasted cardio I don’t feel weak or tired. After my fasted cardio I feel accomplished and ready to start my day!

I promise you will never regret waking up early and hearing the birds chirp before the busy sound of the city starts! Grab your BCAAs and take a nice walk on and set intentions for your day!

Brittany Gervais