How to Utilize Hypertrophic Training - Rival Nutrition
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How to Utilize Hypertrophic Training

How to Utilize Hypertrophic Training

Posted by Anthony Smith (@humblefit_) on Oct 17th 2018

Many lifters believe that lifting the heaviest weight possible is the absolute most effective way to get big and strong, while that is SOMEWHAT true it will only get you so far. In fact lifting lighter loads of weights for multiple sets and reps can put much more effective stress on your target muscle group than lifting heavy weights all the time.

It is important to utilize both training methods of hypertrophy and strength, however hypertrophic training has been shown to increase muscle very effectively. Bodybuilders utilize hypertrophic training all the time it is what builds quality muscle.

To achieve hypertrophy, you usually want to stick around the 3-4 set range with 10-12 reps ideally for an exercise with a rest period of 60-90 seconds in between each set. Other factors such as supersets, drop sets, are very effective to maximize hypertrophy, stress on your muscle and even time spent in the gym.

It is important to note as well that progressive overload is a key factor to ensure you’re getting the most muscular gains over a period of time. So something like increasing the load every week or other week can work, or by adding in one more extra set, adding a resistant burnout at the end of each set or workout can stimulate your CNS enough to further progress in more gains.

Something you should avoid when trying to achieve hypertrophy is by adding in too many reps or sets. A Lot of people tend to go above the rep or set range such as 5 plus sets with 15 plus rep ranges at very light loads. This is not effective for hypertrophy specifically, this is more towards burning out the muscle for a specific reason such as preparing for a bodybuilding competition to deplete your glycogen stores. If you want to achieve hypertrophy do not go overboard on every exercise. Stick to moderate-heavy weights you can control and focus up. Contract the muscle properly and use proper form.