Ways to Help Turn Fitness from a Forced Habit into a Dedicated Lifestyle - Rival Nutrition
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Ways to Help Turn Fitness from a Forced Habit into a Dedicated Lifestyle

Ways to Help Turn Fitness from a Forced Habit into a Dedicated Lifestyle

Posted by Kaitlyn Bailey @fit.flexible.foodie on Feb 27th 2018

  1. Take progress pictures and/or measurements. Comparing before and after pictures can serve as incredible motivation. Even if you don’t currently feel comfortable doing so, you will thank yourself in the long run. When you look at yourself daily, it’s easy to miss small changing details in your current physique or forget the extent of your previous physiques.
  2. Plan the gym into your day. Once you plan out your time, you should realize that there is plenty of time in your day if you make it. With 24 hours in a day, the gym can take less than two hours (with travel).
  3. Find a form of fitness you really enjoy. You are more likely to stick to an activity that you look forward to and have fun with, rather than something you dread. Explore your options. They are limitless (weight lifting, boxing, spinning, running, dancing, etc.).
  4. Recognize EVERY effect fitness has on your body. Fitness does not only change the physical look of your body, it can change your mind and other parts of your lifestyle as well. Fitness is known to improve sleep, happiness, stress, energy throughout the day, your relationship with food, general health markers, etc. It’s important to compare your body, mind, and attitude on rest days or long breaks to when you’re on your game. You know your dedicated when you actually miss your “thing.”
  5. Set realistic short and long term goals. Nothing feels better than achieving a goal and setting a fire for your next big thing.
  6. Understand that your level of motivation and focus changes with time and goes through phases. Sometimes you dream about the gym and sometimes want absolutely nothing to do with it. This is when progress pictures, motivating friends/family, goals, and considering how you would feel if you don’t go, majorly comes into play.